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Tag Archives: food

was today. it was pretty cool. (i know i know, i haven’t said anything…)
i got ‘free hugs’ painted on my face, and then so did heather. hiral got a goatee-unibrow combo, and i got pics of mateo. which is a miracle. also from him i got a hug, but i got those from everyone.
i bought some earrings and took more pictures. we basically had no bells today; a.i.t.y., algebra, phys. sci. (aced a test, by the way), half history, half a.i.t.y., then lunch (also a.i.t.y.), then english, then a.i.t.y., then what could have been a.i.t.y. but i went on the fields and walked.

and about this week; i had bad food and absolutely DIED after school. it was terrible. :/
and today i tripped on some neanderthal’s purse/bag thing and banged my jaw on a the edge of a table.
so it hurts to eat. and i, unlike so many teenage… well it’s thursday so ‘girl’ doesn’t apply, but i do like to eat. and that’s why it sucks.
oh, and i’m going to spain this summer. angie was gonna come with me but her dad wanted to take her somewhere, so whatever. i’ll have the ‘rents, and they’re cool.
plus probably more tolerable than any of my
and i haven’t been over the ocean before, it’ll rock.
and here we go, funny incident time:
for am. history, we had an essay test. if we made an outline for it over the weekend and it was approved, we could transfer it to one side of a 3-by-5 index card. gordon, whose sister had already taken our am. history class, had heard from her that he was supposed to copy his whole ESSAY to the card. poor jen. but i love the girl. :p
i’ll post something longer and better soon, i swear!