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Tag Archives: foamy the squirrel

so i’ve been absorbed in webcomics lately. i love them. to death. and i’ve found some good ones, that, if you ever ever ever any of you ever read this, then i shall share! 😀

menage a trois: — it basically starts with gary’s search for roommates. the plot picks up and so on. it’s hilarious but definitely not pg. or pg-13. . . yeah. there’s sex and sex talk and asses and boobies, but no REAL naughty bits. that i have seen. :/ but yes.

‘O Lord! i thank thee for this bounty of half-naked, greased-up, man-on-man action i am about to receive!’

misfile:– in heaven, a misfile of anything is a tragic disastrous screw-up. whilst stoned, one of the angels in heaven switches up two people’s life; accidentally making one of them a girl, and removing two years of the other’s life. caution, for all of you conservative people; there is drugs and there is language and there is girl-on-girl kissing and yadda yadda.

‘in one corner of the universe, there’s nothing more irritating than a misfile.’

foamy the squirrel:– yeah, yeah. i know this is a webtoon and not a comic, but i love jonathan ian mathers, so you’ve got to put up with this; basically no plot, but you follow foamy’s rants and there ARE NOW COMIC STRIPS. enjoy the goodness, please. oh yeah, there’s vulgarity and the usual. i’m sorry but i’m just not holy. 😦

‘you will face my squirrely wrath!’

left handed toons (by right-handed people):– no plot, no specific characters, just toons drawn by left handed people. i love them to death, and they’re usually pretty hilarious. 🙂

‘ARE YOU DRUNK? what’s behind your back? SHOW ME! -gasp- A DIDGERIDOO! you ARE drunk! … what’s in the other hand?! … -gasp- YOU’VE BEEN POLE-VAULTING!?!’

‘it’s MY life!! -sob-‘

yu+me dream– possible nudity (boobies) language, lesbian love, etc. don’t like, don’t go. i read odd comics, so kill me. you follow fiona, a total outcast, through life in her ultra-conservative christian school. the kids hate her, her stepmom hates her, the nuns hate her… that’s probably on the first or second page, but oh well. but then she meets lia, and isn’t too sure of how she feels about her, and what it means– at first. :p i’m not gonna mention party two cause it’s a total spoiler for the first plot, but it’s love.

‘you’re making a scene. and we’re not sociopaths; life is… simpler here. we have the answers to all of the big questions; is there a god? what happens when you die? how on earth did george w. bush become president?’

candi– there’s not too much of a plot, but this is college life. it’s hilarious, and yes, they talk about sex, and yes, there is swearing, and yes and yes and yes. but it’s great, the art is nice, and it’s hilarious. 🙂 enjoy.


‘don’t you wish the walls weren’t paper thin?’

‘oh god yes.’

ugly girl– it’s another misfit comic! with girl-girl love. i am sensing a pattern here. but you follow ugly girl through her story, where her only friend is sister-person, who is dating her brother (hence the moniker). occasionally is will spring to ugly’s sister’s story, which is where your girl-love begins. uhm, i’m done summarizing plots now, i do that enough in our newspaper’s book reviews.

‘well, well. dead silence. that’s not awkward or anything.’


i’m done now. i hope my HOARDS OF READERS look at these, ’cause they’re good and they deserve more readers.

if only someone would UHMHINTPLZ return the favour.

no, not really. i’m fine being ALONE.


well, bye now! 🙂 —–me